How many drops of essential oils in diffuser?

Gudie Link

The Positive Effects of Natural Essential Oil On Human Body

People use the pure natural essential oil for healing has a very long history, and aromatherapy is one of them. So, how do all-natural essential oils have a positive effect on the human body & mind?

First of all, pure natural essential oils are extracted from the leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots, bark, resins and wood hearts of plants, and are usually extracted by steam distillation, cold pressing, liposuction and solvent extraction. These extraction process ensures the pure natural properties of essential oils, retains the rich components of essential oils, and also preserves the powerful functions of essential oils.

Secondly, the main components contained in different types of essential oils are different. We can achieve the desired therapeutic effect by using the combination and ratio of different essential oils. Want to know how to combine essential oils to make them work better? The following recipes are for your reference:

  • Balance: Rosemary, Lemon, Juniper, Cypress, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Sweet Almond (55%)
  • Joy Mind: Orange, Lemon, Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Jojoba (50%)
  • Zen: Citrus, Grapefruit, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood, Evening Primrose (40%)
  • Calms: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lavender, Chamomile, Sweet Almond (60%)
  • Relax: Sweet Orange, Lavender, Geranium, Bergamot, Sweet Almond (50%)
  • Sleep aid: lemon, lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, sweet almond (50%)
  • Stress Relief: Sandalwood, Palmarosa, Artemisia, Lemon, Sweet Almond (55%)
  • Air Purifying: Eucalyptus, Lemon, Rosemary, Peppermint, Jojoba (50%)
  • Health: Eucalyptus, Nutmeg, Frankincense, Ganoderma, Cinnamon, Clove, Thyme, Rosemary, Rosehip (60%)
  • Breathe Easy: Lemon, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Jojoba (50%)

If you want to know more about the recipe or have any other customize ideas, please feel free to contact with us.

Last but not least, using pure natural essential oils for healing purposes will require a long-term adherence, but it is the most comfortable way.

How many drops of essential oil should be added to the aroma diffuser of different capacities?

People use a variety of ways to enjoy scents, and using an aromatherapy humidifier to exert the mysterious power of pure natural essential oils is one of them.

The capacity of common aromatherapy humidifiers on the market is between 80ml and 500ml, depending on the specific aromatherapy scene. When using an aroma diffuser humidifier to get scent, people often get a confusion: how many drops of essential oil do I need to add to my aroma diffuser? Based on the long-term experience of our aromatherapists, we have the following suggestions that may help you answer this question.

Usually, pure natural essential oils are stored in brown glass bottles. The capacity of the bottle is 5ml, 10ml and 30ml. There are about 20 drops of essential oil in 1ml. Take the most common 100ml and 200ml aromatherapy humidifiers as an example, we recommend adding 3-5 drops of pure essential oil to a 100ml aromatherapy machine, and 6-10 drops to a 200ml aromatherapy machine, and so on. In addition, according to research, we recommend changing the water in the aromatherapy machine every 72 hours to prevent possible bacterial contamination and achieve the purpose of healthy aromatherapy. Besides to using an essential oil diffuser for aromatherapy, we also have some suggestions for your reference when using other methods:

  • When taking a bath, add 5-8 drops of essential oil into the water;
  • When using a tissue/pillow to enjoy aromatherapy, add 1 drop of essential oil, can be inhaled when needed;
  • When massaging, it is recommended that 1ml of carrier oil does not exceed 1 drop of pure essential oil to prevent skin burns;
  • For room spray, add 10 drops of pure essential oil to every 500ml of water, shake it evenly and then spray.

What the effect to pets(like cats or dogs) of different essential oils?

Although essential oils are extracted from natural plants, it does not mean that they are absolutely safe for other animals. Family pets, such as cats and dogs, can also use essential oils for daily care appropriately, but because their sense of smell is thousands of times more sensitive than humans, extra care should be taken when using essential oils, to avoid damaging your pet’s normal sense of smell.

At present, it is internationally recognized that the use of highly pure tea tree, peppermint, pine, wintergreen, fennel, clove, garlic, thyme and other strong and irritating essential oils will affect the normal sense of smell of pets, and even cause pets to suffer from essential oil poisoning symptoms. Some mild-smelling essential oils, such as chamomile, bergamot, grapefruit, lavender, etc., can be used in pet care, but require large dilutions.

According to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, there were 443 cases of tea tree oil poisoning in cats and dogs between 2002-2012, it should be more than that amount till now. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) based on the chemical reaction principle of substances, and with reference to rare toxicity case reports, learned that the root cause of pet essential oil poisoning is the lack of a glucuronyl transferase in pets, which cannot volatilize high-purity essential oils. The chemical substances “terpenes” are metabolized, and these substances are insoluble in water and therefore cannot be excreted from the animal body, resulting in poisoning.

The main symptoms of poisoning are: listlessness, lethargy, coma, unsteady gait, weakness, tremor, seizures, drooling, diarrhea, vomiting, sneezing, difficulty breathing, coughing, watery eyes, hypothermia, liver failure and death, etc. . In daily care, you can consider using a derivative product of essential oil—hydrosol instead. Hydrosol retains part of the efficacy of essential oil well, and at the same time can add moisture to pets, and has the effect of moisturizing and nursing.

If so, how can we safely use essential oils if we have pets at home? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Do not apply any pure essential oils or products containing essential oils to pets;
  • Properly keep essential oils to avoid pet contact and accidental ingestion;
  • If you have just used essential oils to massage your body, or use essential oils for hair care, also avoid cats from licking;
  • When using essential oil aromatherapy, you need to keep your cats away; whether you use diffusers, scented candles, or aromatherapy bottles, you better keep your cats away from the room. After use, the room should be fully ventilated before allowing cats to enter. Especially cats with asthma.
  • Don’t let cats stay in rooms full of essential oils.

What should I do if pets come into contact with essential oils?

  • Only skin/coat contact. If the cat’s claws or hair are stained with essential oils, you can wash them with soapy water first, and then rinse them with plenty of water for further observation.
  • Suspected/determined ingestion. If you suspect or determine that your cat has ingested toxic essential oils, take your cat to the hospital immediately and bring the package of the essential oil product with you. Do not induce vomiting by yourself. Some essential oils may cause damage to the cat’s esophagus and can be fatal if inhaled.
  • Symptoms of poisoning have appeared. If the cat is already showing signs of poisoning such as lethargy, difficulty breathing, epilepsy, etc., take the cat to a ventilated place first, wrap it with a towel and put it in the cat bag/flight box, and wipe off the white foam or vomit from the mouth ( if any) and promptly taken to hospital. Depending on the dose of poisoning, infusion, oxygen inhalation, emetics, antiepileptic drugs, etc. may be required. The prognosis of cat poisoning is related to the dose of exposure and the time of hospitalization. The more timely the hospitalization, the faster the recovery.


In conclusion, by using pure natural essential oils to do aromatherapy has becoming a more and more popular way, it helps us to get better sleeping, joyful mind, relax feeling. But, there are 3 important things need to take attention.

  • Make sure the essential oils are pure natural level, some chemical level “essential oils” are harmful to human body;
  • Do not add too much essential oils when aromatherapy, add 3-5 drops of oil into a 100ml aroma diffuser or 6-10 drops of oil to a 200ml aroma diffuser;
  • If you have pets, make sure to get them taken cared, the essential oil you use may hurt them.


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